Thursday, December 30, 2010

Show a progress dialog when a thread is running

  We can easily show a progress dialog with Async task. But asyn task has its own drawbacks. There can be no ui's and the task can be executed only once.
   Better way is to use a thread for lengthy processing and show a progess dialog in the ui thread. (I struggled quite a bit. My progress dialog would keep on spinning infinitely :-( )


//this is your main activity thread
handler = new FeedReadHandler();

pd =,"Loading","Loading the file. please wait...");
Thread background = new Thread(new Runnable(){     

                        public void run() {
                            Message msg = handler.obtainMessage();

  Now you are starting a progress dialog and then starting the thread called background to run the function readFeed. When the function is completed, the thread sends a message to the handler.

Here is the handler code
 public class FeedReadHandler extends Handler{
       public void handleMessage(Message msg){
           Log.d("SHOWRSS","i think i received a message");


So the handler when receives the message from our background thread, on receiving this message it closes the progress- dialog.